Excruciating Pain and the Cross
Is it really excruciating? Let's think twice about this word choice as we celebrate Easter!
Happy Easter all! The resurrection is a day to celebrate; “Good Friday,” not so much.
The Christian endures and embraces the journey from grief over the reality of their own sin on Good Friday to the incomparable joy of a full pardon and promise of paradise on Easter Sunday.
But, I digress. We’ve butchered the language over the years, I’m sure to be no exception. Recently it came to my attention that perhaps we’ve been too liberally using the word “excruciating.”
The cross, that’s at the heart of the word “excruciate.” I’m guessing that no one reading this has been crucified, and most have no concept of that level of pain and torture, though no doubt some readers do. The point is that there are few, probably very few instances where “excruciating” is the correct word choice, and in those cases it might benefit us to dwell on the origin of the word. The Cross.
All the best, may God bless you and yours, and Happy Easter!
Never heard that before! Good information!