Year of Our Lord 2025, February 12
So. I have started my “Resist Evil” series with Money, Schooling (aka education) is up next, followed by Food & Farming; at least that’s the plan now. I’ve done quite a bit of reading on all of these subjects over the course of the past decade or more, and of course I have some experience in each. With respect to schooling I’m still in the research phase, although some thoughts are beginning to gel. But, let’s start at the start.
Our monetary system was designed by bankers, for bankers, and the legislation creating the Federal Reserve was drafted by those in service of bankers. Created in 1913 having been signed into law by the worst president in history, Woodrow Wilson, the purpose of the Federal Reserve was to prevent, or a least lessen the frequency, depth and/or length of recessions and depressions. It should go without saying that it didn’t work, as the subsequent Great Depression exemplifies. Not to mention the litany of recessions since, including the Great Recession in ‘08/’09, which was perhaps counter-intuitively, caused by the Federal Reserve.
Since the system did not work to prevent, shorten, or lessen the depth of the Great Depression, and adding insult to injury, FDR confiscated the People’s gold in 1933, and broke the value-tie to gold for citizens (there was still a “gold standard” for foreign countries, until Nixon broke even that peg in 1971); completely unmoored, money printing could then go on without restriction.
But here is the point; the system was not in fact designed “to prevent, or a least lessen the depth and/or length of recessions and depressions.” Rather, it was designed to redistribute wealth, from the citizenry to the bankers of course, their cohorts in Big Business, and the political elite. Those objectives have been achieved quite nicely, I think you would agree.
In general, systems do what they are designed to do. And, if the designer does not like what the system is producing, he alters the design accordingly. This is basic systems engineering.
I will refer to the detail in my Department of Education post, but suffice it to say here that Department has been an abject failure in improving literacy and numeracy over the course of almost 45 years now. Also, not only have they failed to improve literacy and numeracy, they have worse-than-failed to improve “equality of outcome,” aka equity; the difference in math and reading aptitude between lower-performing students and higher-performing students has actually broadened, not narrowed.
But. One thing has improved, the productivity of workers in the economic machinery of the United States, and the cost of those workers has declined in real terms.
So. I would argue the system is working as designed; productivity of workers was improved, cost of the workers was reduced per unit of output. Perfect. The system is not designed to improve literacy and numeracy; if those had been desired outcomes they’ve had plenty of time to re-design the system to achieve those ends. The system is designed to produce good citizens, which is to say obedient and subservient citizens, with the necessary skills to support the economy, and by extension, and taxation, the state.
I will write more on the origins of our education system in my upcoming “Resist Evil” post on the subject.
Since the 70’s, we have exchanged food expense for health care expense, as a share of the family budget, except that we are paying more for health care than we saved on food. Which should be no surprise. Our food system is poisonous. Poisoned with herbicides, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and more. The poisoned plants are then fed to meat animals, with the addition of antibiotics, vaccines, etcetera. All of it subsidized by the federal government, and “regulated” by the USDA. And, if you grow good food, small-o organic, or big-O USDA Organic, you have to pay for the privilege. Cheap food, in every sense of the word “cheap,” is the desired outcome of the food system. If you try to do otherwise, every sort of financial and legal hurdle is thrown out in front of you. You have to buy insurance against being physically raided by state or federal departments of agriculture. The system is not about good food. No.
The health of Americans is horrible. And we have built an entire chronic disease care industry around our ill-health, the industry having been erected on the foundation of a poisonous food supply. Now you know what RFK Jr is up against as he attempts to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA).
And the powers that be want all of it, as is. The disease care industry employs vast numbers of people; it is money, it is GDP, it is taxes in the bank, it empowers the state and enriches the elite few. If the health of the citizenry has to suffer, so be it. This has been going on in earnest, by design, for 50 years; if the designers had wanted a different output, again, they have had plenty of time to improve the system.
So. What do we have…we have a monetary system, an education system, and a food system, just three examples of many, that are deleterious to We the People. But these same systems empower the elites and the state.
What’s the connection? Is it a conspiracy? I suppose there are conspiratorial elements, but I don’t think that is the root cause.
What sorrow awaits you who lie awake at night, thinking up evil plans. You rise at dawn and hurry to carry them out, simply because you have the power to do so.
Micah 2:1 NLT
Long before Lord Acton’s famous quote “Power corrupts…,” Micah the Morasthite said it sometime between 752 and 697 BC; call it 2,700 years ago, more or less.
Power is the root cause, the connection. We give up too much of our power to the elites and to the state. Then they dream up evil plans and enact them, “simply because” they can, we have given them the power, our power. No other excuse necessary. The fall of man, plain and simple.
STOP giving up your power! STOP asking government for things that you can do for yourself! STOP patronizing the elite by buying their shite!
Speaking of which, support the cause, buy our Pure Maple Syrup! And please share the post and/or the publication!
"Our monetary system was designed by bankers, for bankers, and the legislation creating the Federal Reserve was drafted by those in service of bankers."
Wow John this is awesome. I'm sharing this one. You summed it up perfectly.