Newsletter #243 2024 Jan 26 Friday
This week came the thaw. I turned the oxen out of the barn on Monday; the driveway in particular is a complete mess.
Primal Woods and Homestead Rebel Farm
This is the fourth Newsletter to be published on Substack (and the last time I will include this reminder); all Newsletters in the foreseeable future will be published on Substack, so if you want to continue to be notified of Newsletters please sign up for a free subscription.
A couple of things of note in the 10-day forecast: the first is that you can see daytime highs are well above freezing throughout the 10 days; the second thing is sap flow temperature fluctuations starting the morning of Saturday Feb 3. On that Saturday there is an overnight morning low in the mid-20’s, and daytime high of 40°F, and some sunshine. It is highly likely that sap will be flowing on Saturday and Sunday, but it looks as if on Sunday night the overnight low might not get below freezing, bringing an end to the sap run. I do not have plans to tap at what appears to be the first, short, sap run. Mid-February is more likely.
News From This Week
This is an interesting video from Glenn Greenwald.

The first segment is about the layoffs, ongoing, in the so-called “mainstream legacy media” organizations. I haven’t been a consumer of the mainstream media for at least 3 years, and you might be surprised to learn that I include Fox in that number. I get my news from independent sources, Glenn (of Snowden fame) being one of those, another being Matt Taibbi (of “Twitter files” fame). You can see who I follow on my Substack recommendations page.
Most of the “main stream media” (MSM) outlets are owned by members of the Billionaire class, and they didn’t become billionaires by allowing massive losses to persist. It will be interesting to see how the situation plays out in the longer term; maybe, hopefully, they will return to a more centrist stance in their reporting.
The second segment is titled, “New Video Deepens Jan. 6 Pipe Bomb Mystery.” To be honest, I didn’t know anything about these “bombs” until just days ago; one was planted outside the RNC offices, and the other outside the DNC offices, the latter while Kamala Harris, VP elect at the time, was inside the DNC offices. You haven’t heard about that from the MSM to be sure. The video concerns the DNC bomb. The story of the bombs has been followed closely by another independent news organization, Revolver News.
On a couple of fronts we have made some progress. I located and purchased a yoke for the oxen; the one I’ve been using is on loan from Tillers International. The yoke from Tillers was a size 8, which basically means that the bow that fits under and up the sides of an ox’s neck is 8 inches across. When the oxen were emaciated it fit, but now that they have filled out we are going bigger; one side is 9 inches (for Boris) and the other is 10 inches (for Elmer). I can’t wait to get the boys into training, but I really think I’ll need a second set of hands for some of that work.
I also have an opportunity to buy a fore-cart for the oxen, which provides for a great deal of flexibility in pulling various implements/loads.
We have kicked off our project to update and upgrade the web presence. The move of this Newsletter to Substack was the first evidence of that change, but there is a lot more in store, including a move of the Shop to Shopify. The new host for the Shop should make for a much more satisfying experience for shoppers.
Remember when FDA wanted 75 years to release the documents it used to support Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer Covid-19 “vaccines?” The FDA estimated at the time it would amount to 451,000, plus, pages. Somehow they managed, apparently, to consume all of that information before the EUA was issued (yeah right), but it would take 75 years to get it out to us, the guinea pigs. A judge ended up giving them 8 months, at which point their strategy changed to burying the people in those 451,000 pages. It didn’t work out for Pfizer or the FDA, as Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly rounded up and organized 3,500 medical professionals and scientists to collectively troll through the documents, analyze their content, and produce reports. Forty-six reports were generated, and those were further reduced to “The Top Sixteen Major Concerns from the FDA’s Pfizer Documents Release…” What they knew, and when they knew it. Smoking guns everywhere. Virtually everything they told us was a lie. All of it. But, let the FDA and Pfizer tell you in their own words, charts, graphs and tables. Don’t take my word for it.
Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal
The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human
With those I think I have officially OD’d on bad news. The good news, thank God, neither Geri nor I took the jab.
Farmhouse Airbnb
The basement space for the studio was cleaned out this week and we are just waiting for the weather to clear before performing the demolition.
Pure Maple Syrup
The necessary weather is in the 10-day forecast as I showed above, and we will be in business before mid-February if the weather continues to cooperate.
Let’s have a look at a bit of uplifting “news,” albeit from the 1936 Olympics. These were truly rugged individuals. This is well worth your time, and serves as an antidote of sorts to all of the bad news going around.
All the best, and may God bless you and yours,
John & Geri
Hey JB & Geri,
I think that I FINALLY have SubStack figured out.