Newsletter #244 2024 Feb 02 Friday
Here comes the Pure Maple Syrup Season! Tapping scheduled to start Feb 05.
Primal Woods and Homestead Rebel Farm
We are in the final throes of preparation for the Pure Maple Syrup season! The weather came to us, and from a scheduling perspective, as of Tuesday morning, it looks like we will catch the entirety of Sap Run #1, which I have drawn the green box around. Maybe sap would flow the preceding Saturday and Sunday, but those overnight lows Friday and Saturday just barely dip below freezing. We are still six days out when looking at this forecast, so time will tell.
We will use the horses again this year, maybe the last with the oxen now aboard and in training; the first day for the horses would be Tuesday at the earliest. If you want to help let me know, and of course we now have the Farmhouse available for lodging.
News From This Week
Link: Global War Is Coming. Here's What You Should Know.
This is a relatively short Tucker Carlson video on Rumble.
"War with Iran? Yes. We’re already in it. Joe Kent did 11 combat tours in the U.S. Army. His wife Shannon was killed serving in Syria. Here’s his informed view of what that war will mean." <my emphasis added; I’ll give some time to a guy who has given so much to the country>
Link: RFK Jr.
This is a short blog post by Joel Salatin. I have to admit to not knowing that Secret Service protection has been denied RFK Jr.; it seems unconscionable, given his standing in the polls, and family history.
"In 1970, 1 in 10,000 children had some sort of autism or verbal/social anomaly; today’s it’s 1 in 34 and in 8 years, at current trajectory, it will be 1 in 2. In other words, half of all boys and half of all girls will require special social/daily/verbal care."
"My biggest takeaway of the evening was President Biden’s refusal to let the Secret Service provide Kennedy with security. According to Kennedy, the Secret Service wants to protect him and has pledge their support—as long ago as two months they allegedly promised “within 2 weeks” a complete security detail. Silence since. According to Kennedy, Biden is personally and aggressively prohibiting the Secret Service from affording Kennedy the protection granted to every single similar candidate in American history."
"...he only needs 34 percent to win and he’s already at 24, building 1 percent per month over the last 8 months (ever since he left the Democrats)."
This is exactly what is hoped for in the U.S.: Pakistan ex-PM Imran Khan sentenced to 10 years jail in state secrets case
We are behaving like a 3rd world nation, or a banana republic, or both; take your pick. And “lawfare” is real.
Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual's usage of their legal rights.
The term may refer to the use of legal systems and principles against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, wasting their time and money (e.g. SLAPP suits), or winning a public relations victory.
Alternatively, it may describe a tactic used by repressive regimes to label and discourage civil society or individuals from claiming their legal rights via national or international legal systems. This is especially common in situations when individuals and civil society use non-violent methods to highlight or oppose discrimination, corruption, lack of democracy, limiting freedom of speech, violations of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law.
Canadian truckers anyone? Check out the link on SLAPP (Strategic lawsuit against public participation) suits; first I’d ever heard of it.
As is 5th generation warfare, which we are also subjected to in large measure.
Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception.”
If you want to know more about this sort of thing, check out Chasing Ghosts: An Irregular Warfare Podcast, by Bill Buppert.
From Tillers International I am penciling in a couple of events: Plow Fest and Ox Trot April 27, and Small Scale Hay Making July 7-9.
Some firewood for the outdoor wood boiler (OWB); this is a combination of Beech, Sugar Maple and Hop-Hornbeam (a native “ironwood”). The last was standing dead, the first was from a huge branch that came down near the house last year, and the Sugar Maple is from a blow-down two-plus years ago. Lulu-the-loving-badass in the background.
Remember when FDA wanted 75 years to release the documents it used to support Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer Covid-19 “vaccines?” The FDA estimated at the time it would amount to 451,000, plus, pages. Somehow they managed, apparently, to consume all of that information before the EUA was issued (yeah right), but it would take 75 years to get it out to us, the guinea pigs. A judge ended up giving them 8 months, at which point their strategy changed to burying the people in those 451,000 pages. It didn’t work out for Pfizer or the FDA, as Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly rounded up and organized 3,500 medical professionals and scientists to collectively troll through the documents, analyze their content, and produce reports. Forty-six reports were generated, and those were further reduced to “The Top Sixteen Major Concerns from the FDA’s Pfizer Documents Release…” What they knew, and when they knew it. Smoking guns everywhere. Virtually everything they told us was a lie. All of it. But, let the FDA and Pfizer tell you in their own words, charts, graphs and tables. Don’t take my word for it.
Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal
The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human
With those I think I have officially OD’d on bad news. The good news, thank God, neither Geri nor I took the jab.
Farmhouse Airbnb
The basement space for the studio was cleaned out this week and we are just waiting for the weather to clear before performing the demolition.
Pure Maple Syrup
The necessary weather is in the 10-day forecast as I showed above, and we will be in business before mid-February if the weather continues to cooperate.
And as of Friday the weather still points to a season opening as planned for Monday.
On the “uplifting” side of things, two of my favorite movies; if you have boys or young men at home, these two movies are worthy.
The Man from Snowy River
”A young Australian cowboy falls for the boss's daughter, is accused of losing a prize stallion, and becomes embroiled in a bitter family dispute - can he overcome the odds and prove his worth? A classic modern western.”Return to Snowy River
”A story of a romance caught up in a violent feud between landowners.”
All the best, and may God bless you and yours,
John & Geri
p.s. everything is lined up for a season start on Monday; it looks like we will be at it Monday through Thursday at least.