Newsletter #281 2024 Oct 25 Friday
Fall isn't over yet, but it is going strong; a lot of projects that have been in the works are coming to fruition.
Primal Woods
Pure Maple Syrup
The Polaris came together today; both Kenton and I were working on it from 9 to 2:30, and a successful test run closed out the repairs. As I write Kenton is cleaning the machine.
The big work was replacement of the head gasket. Then today we performed a cylinder leak down test and the engine passed with flying colors; essentially no leakage past the rings, valves or head gasket. A very pleasant surprise.
We had a little trouble with the cooling system on the first test run, due to air in the cooling system as it turned out; we rectified that and it’s good to go! Here’s a 20 second video of Kenton coming back from the second test run.
We are flushing the radiator and adding new fluid; we changed the oil and filter before the first test, and we are going to change the oil and filter again after the second test, just to make sure everything is as clean as can be. Geri will be thrilled to have the Polaris at her disposal, and I must admit, I too am happy to have it back in action.
Homestead Rebel Farm
The Oxen are now being watered from the Barn Water system; another big win, and it frees up the Water Wagon (Sap Wagon is spring). Below is the full tote; the Oxen water trough is being filled by gravity flow through the yellow hose exiting to the left.
Meanwhile, the Water Wagon is being filled from the Barn Well Pump.
I then installed a float valve on the November pigs water barrel, which together with supply from the Water Wagon cuts a daily chore back to once every 10 days or so.
The “new” 31 year old truck, is on the truck from Oregon. I’m hopeful that it will be here by early next week.
I thought I’d give you a picture of the interior; very nice condition. The transmission is automatic, but shift to and from 4WD is manual by the shifter on the floor. There are four positions; 2WD, Neutral, 4WD Lo and 4WD Hi. None of this is “on the fly” as with newer trucks, like the 2013 F150 for example. On the F150 I only have to stop and put the truck in Neutral to shift into or out of 4WD Lo; I can shift from 2WD to 4WD Hi while rolling down the road, and back to 2WD. It’s an added inconvenience, but the simplification of the machine makes the trade-off worth it, in my opinion.
Toby seems to have fully recovered; he is still underweight, but eating well, and playing hard, both good signs.
The pigs are doing well, both sets. As for the Oxen, hay is now at the top of the to-do list. I brought in 25 round bales last year, about 20,000 lbs of hay; this year I hope 20 bales will be enough. The Oxen were seriously underweight when they arrived a year ago, they each put on about 400 lbs that first winter, which resulted in more hay consumption than I had originally planned.
Our next guests are due the 7th of November, and Geri booked some guests between Christmas and the New Year; I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how we’ve done in the off season, so far. January through May will be the real test I suppose.
I read some fiction this week, but nothing noteworthy; entertainment purposes only!
You can help us to keep the wheels on this effort, by visiting the website, and buying some of our Pure Maple Syrup!
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All the best, and may God bless you and yours,
John & Geri
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I'm super excited about the Polaris!! Thank you and Kenton for getting things back up and running on the homestead.