
Oxen In Tall Grass

Yesterday was a big day, an assassination attempt will mark the day forever, a day I spent fencing in more pasture for the Oxen, Boris and Elmer

My day started early for a Saturday, 0700, with a trip to Tractor Supply for various bits of hardware and supplies. Then after feeding and watering the animals I got to the big business of the day, which was fencing in tall grass for the Oxen.

It was a hot, humid day by southwest Michigan standards; 88°F and 94% humidity. When I came in for a break and some much need hydration midday, Geri informed me of the assassination attempt, and that it appeared Trump had survived the attempt; I was back out in the pasture by 1300 and finished the work at 1700. It was a long, exhausting day to be sure.

Usually by the time I get the barn on the tractor, the Oxen are already trotting up to meet me; not this morning, this morning they were happily grazing.

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