Thank You, Dr. Fauci (a documentary)
Now of course, the establishment has moved on to fear-porn regarding bird flu; the two videos recommended below are necessary "vaccinations" against the propaganda "virus."
Geri and I watched a new-ish documentary this week, Thank You, Dr. Fauci, directed by Jenner Furst.
My first take on the documentary was that it was “over-produced,” which is my way of saying that it was as much about engendering a feeling, through the visuals, as it was about communicating information. Still, it got my attention. It is only available for now, I think, on the Tucker Carlson Network (TCN). But…
Tucker then did an interview with Jenner Furst.
That interview is available on TCN of course, but it can also be found on Rumble, for free. As background the documentary is good, but for more unadulterated information, the interview is better, in my opinion.
I thought I knew about Covid … lab leak, gain-of-function research, and policy responses that had no basis in “the Science,” like social distancing, masks, injecting pregnant women and children with the gene therapy, effectively outlawing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to achieve an Emergency Use Authorization for the novel mRNA injection, etcetera; unfortunately it goes way, way beyond that.
And, if you’re thinking Furst is some sort of right-wing nut job, you’d be exactly wrong; he is from the left side of the political spectrum. Not that that matters, the “uniparty” is a thing, I’ve come to accept.
Anyway, both videos are recommended if you can swing the TCN subscription; if not, watch the interview.