Wind & Solar Related Job Growth
What can we make of the "fastest growing occupation" list from the BLS?
Wind & Solar
I’ll just start at the top. As I’ve said before, the only thing sustainable about solar power is the sun itself, and the only thing sustainable about wind power is, you guessed it, the wind. If it were not for government intervention in the energy markets these jobs numbers would shrivel to near zero. And it seems likely under the Trump administration that intervention, which is costly to taxpayers, will shrink; it should go to zero, but I’m guessing it won’t. When the time is right for so-called “sustainable” or “renewable” energy sources, subsidies won’t be necessary.
Disease Care
Let us count the ways, or occupations above, that are Disease Care related:
Nurse practitioner, Medical and health services manager, Physician assistant, Physical therapist assistant, Occupational therapy assistant, Home health and personal care aide, Substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselor, and Epidemiologist. So, 8 of the 20 fastest growing occupations are disease care related. That doesn’t bode well for the future. But it doesn’t stop there! Our pets are getting in on the act; Veterinary assistant and laboratory animal caretaker, Veterinary technologist and technician, and Veterinarian are also in the top 20. So, all told, 11 of the top 20 are related to disease care of humans or others in the animal kingdom.
Disease Care is a huge, and obviously growing industry. Most of that disease is self-inflicted, we call them “diseases of civilization;” they kill us slowly, and expensively, which is why Disease Care is a growth industry. RFK Jr. threatens that industry. The industry will not go away silently; that much you can bank on.
Between Disease Care of animals, including humans, and Wind & Solar, we’ve covered 13 of the top 20. What’s next.
Data scientist, Information security analyst, Computer and information research scientist, and Operations research analyst; that’s 4 of 20, so we are at 17. And the last 3…
Financial & Logistics
Actuary, Financial examiner, and Logistician. We need to count our money of course, and we must get everything we don’t make from where it is made to where it is actually needed; that’d be Logistics.
Perhaps as importantly as where the job growth is, is where it is not.
Do We Make Anything?
We do, of course, but flat or declining job growth is not going to attract people to manufacturing, or farming for that matter. Now that I think about it, most foods are now manufactured as opposed to being grown as God designed them; most of what we call farming is simply manufacturing in the out-of-doors. A substantial bit of food manufacture is also done indoors though; chickens and pigs are just two examples. Dairy cows, too. Frankly, it’s too much trouble, and cost to the industry, to manage these animals outdoors.
This was all designed long ago. We were led to this “information economy,” where we don’t actually do anything in the physical world; we leave that to our lessers in “developing” or undeveloped countries. In other words the plan is to import most everything we actually need to survive.
And with respect to health, the government started serious intervention in 1977 with its first nutrition guidance, which grew out of Big Ag/Food and Big Government-funded “nutrition science,” aka, Political Science. It’s been a complete disaster for the People.
I’ve written previously on related subjects; you can find those posts at Economics, Health, and for Solar look under Homesteading for several posts, and see my most recent post on our experiment with Solar power: