Thoroughly enjoyed this. We love our scapegoats so much that we can't think critically about our own actions—Hitler and bin Laden are great examples. They were evil people and did evil things, but our society swallowed hook line and sinker the lie that this means everything ever done by their enemies (i.e. us) was justified.

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We and our allies created the opening for Hitler with the Treaty of Versailles. We recognized the error of our way, which was straight-up vengeance, but by then it was too late. And of course bin Laden was a CIA asset. They are doing the same thing with Ukraine; they want us to believe that the Russians started it in '22, when in fact we started it with a coup in '14.

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Sep 28Liked by John Newell

The question that always comes to mind when this and other tyrannies arise from our government how do we scattered individuals put a stop to it or correct course...We have become so atomized that we can't even correctly be called a nation anymore because everyone has a different agenda and direction they want to go in...The answer I always receive to that question is we just have to wait til more people wake up or we have to wait until it all collapses which both aren't very satisfactory for me...

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"Atomized" is the perfect word Linehand. I can't say what we *should* be doing, I can only relate what we are doing ourselves; since that's the best I know to do. Getting back to being independent of large scale systems and distant others. Getting out of debt. Making my need for money as little as possible, so I don't have to generate so much money, which the state then taxes and uses to build its power. Building a resilient community. And occasionally I challenge my elected reps in an email. All I can recommend, and I trust you're doing this already, is get into action on the home front.

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