It’s official in some sort of unofficial way; my trust in the U.S. Government is completely, and irreparably shattered.
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,"
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
As it turns out, the trust I once had was misplaced. I only learned that through a truly voluminous reading of history, self directed, including many of the messy bits that most folks, it seems to me, would rather not know about. The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, which I’ve written about in several Newsletters, is just one example. From Amazon alone, I have purchased over 730 books in the past 25 years, their records indicate, not all of those history books to be sure, but over the course of the past 10 years history amounts to a significant fraction. A lot of books on nutrition, economics, and farming, and not too few Bibles and books on Christianity, but a common thread runs through them all, less the Bibles and related works; everything the feds touch turns to shit, everything, but without any of the manifold benefits of actual shit, which Gene Logsdon wrote so well of in his book Holy Shit: Managing Manure to Save Mankind.
This revelation is remarkable. I spent 17 years working in, or being educated by, the United States Navy. I guess I assumed, that service was a noble endeavor. And certainly, inside the paradigm we have been led to develop, and cling to, it is a noble undertaking. After all, the government, a government we are also led to believe is of, by, and for the People, controls the military, and sends it on its way only in service of the country and our fellow countrymen. For our collective defense. Right? Unfortunately, the paradigm itself is a fabrication. Perhaps the paradigm was once a clear lens through which to view the world; if so, it hasn’t been for a long, long time.
Until very recently, I had held to the belief that World Wars I & II were justifiable, please let them be justifiable!, that we were in the right, that our involvement was purely selfless. That We were on a mission from God, to save mankind. I’m sorry to say, I was wrong, yet again.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
― Mark Twain
That is to say nothing less of the fine, brave men and women who have served this country over the years, indeed over the course of two plus centuries at this point. No. They were doing what We expected of them, as communicated through that fantastical government of, by and for the People. What We asked them to do, on Our behalf. I believed likewise, that I was doing what was expected of me. What was true, and right, and beautiful. I was wrong.
And, we never hold those who should be held accountable, accountable. Does Abu Ghraib ring any bells? Or, our treatment of returning veterans from Vietnam, which was truly reprehensible? How about our indefensible 2003 attack on Iraq; an attack based on nothing but lies coming out of the “W” Bush administration? We hold the instruments, the tools, the human weapons employed by our government accountable, but not those in the civilian government itself. Not the elite, not the powerful.
So what brought this finally to a head, this beautiful morning. Yesterday I was listening to a Tucker interview with Neil Oliver; and Oliver talked about how he finally woke from the dream, and began to see, and admit to himself, what was going on in the real world. That was four years ago, and he still admits to being in the grieving process.
Then, this morning, I was looking at some news, some documents actually, coming out of Russia, regarding Ukraine, our biolabs there and elsewhere, and Covid 19. And it hit me like freight train running 100 mph; I trust what the Russians are saying more than I trust my own government. What they are saying rings true, given what I now know to be true of my own government’s malfeasance. Maybe what the Russians are saying is true, maybe it’s not; that’s not the point. The point is that what the Russians are saying is more believable, to me, than what my own government is saying. Humpty, while having been falling for what seems like years, finally hit the ground. Shattering on impact. I believe nothing, absolutely nothing, that comes out of the U.S. federal government, or any of its bureaucratic organs.
That’s when I knew, it was a sad, bad day, and grieving would be involved. It is a truly beautiful mourning.
Well done, John. It is very sad to realize that all these years that we have been fighting for the right cause, we have been the bad guys. It is becoming clearer, day by day, although there are still many people that still believe in our government and how they are above reproach.
Amen brother. I have been thinking for several months now that the end of the federal government is near. As throughout history a government built upon a structure of lies and deceit will eventually collapse so will this one. Trump may be able to fix it, but the deep state realizes that danger and will move to preempt that at any cost. (Just finished "The End of Everything" by Victor Davis Hansen... very prescient.)