Newsletter #298 2025 Mar 03 Monday
It has been a big week, and a good week. Of course there were challenges, but I am pleased with the work we did get done.
Primal Woods
Pure Maple Syrup
It was a good week with the Oxen, especially after a significant change.

When I took the Oxen to Tillers International last year for training, of the Oxen and me, the instructors thought Boris should be nigh Ox, nearest the drover (me), and leader. After struggling with the team on Day 1 of sap collection, I decided to switch things up, and put Elmer in the nigh Ox position; it made all the difference.
The weather over the next couple of days should be good for sap flow, but collecting is going to be a muddy proposition with 2 inches of rain expected! Surprisingly, even with temps near 40F we’ve seen no sap flow yet today.
Sawmill Services
I have three jobs in the queue, two big and one small, that will be taken on as weather and the Pure Maple Syrup season permit.
The biggest of the jobs is with Rob, in Stevensville, MI. There are a couple of monster logs in this pile, the biggest of which is 13 feet long and weighs approximately 7,976 lbs; call it 4 tons.
The next biggest job is with Joel in La Porte, IN; again big logs, four of them are over two feet in diameter on the small end.

And finally a chainsaw milling job onsite at Primal Woods, cutting 4 inch thick “cookies” from these stumps; maximum diameter is 42 inches.
So, it what is proving to be an early and robust start to the milling season, these would be jobs two through four; I’ve got my work cut out for me.
Homestead Rebel
Aside from firewood, egg collection, and feeding and watering the Oxen, there has not been much going on; I’m not sure if I should be worried about that or not!?
News and Notes
The dollar system and its consequences:
Full disclosure of the Epstein evil; your guess is as good as mine.
As it turns out it does not take new legislation of close the southern border. #whodathunkit
Truth is hard to find, and made harder by government.
Books & Such
I wrote two posts this week:
Meanwhile, I’m still working on Raised to Obey, by Agustina Paglayan. So far she is proving what are not motives for government involvement in Primary Schools; democratization, industrialization and interstate wars.
All the best, and may God bless you and yours,
John & Geri
Don’t go! We cannot do it without you! Help us to keep the wheels on this effort, by visiting the website, and buying some of our Pure Maple Syrup!
OR! If you find value in our work, please do consider supporting Homestead Rebel for $5/month subscription.
OR! I can understand not wanting to sign up for a subscription…I get it, but if you would still like to support our efforts…
All the best, and may God bless you and yours,
John & Geri
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You are too modest. The work you describe above had me exhausted just reading it. I loved the video and watching the Elmer and Boris. Having him follow you has to be a huge trust on your part.
How many eggs do you collect in a day? The most my sister has gotten is 13 and they have 18 chickens! How many chickens do you have?
I'm not sure if you do a video with every newsletter but it's great to see the work you are doing when I can visualize it!!
All the best to guys!!
Hi Fran! Thanks for the nod to video; I think you are right, but often I just don't have the time, because making the video slows me down, and editing the video takes up more time than making the video, ha! We have 17 hens at present, I think, and we get about 10 eggs per day; they are "dual purpose" birds, so not the best layers, not the best for meat, but good for both. Yes, Boris liked his head right in my back, so there must be trust. Their heads are heavy!, and when they start swinging them around you have to be paying attention.