
You are too modest. The work you describe above had me exhausted just reading it. I loved the video and watching the Elmer and Boris. Having him follow you has to be a huge trust on your part.

How many eggs do you collect in a day? The most my sister has gotten is 13 and they have 18 chickens! How many chickens do you have?

I'm not sure if you do a video with every newsletter but it's great to see the work you are doing when I can visualize it!!

All the best to guys!!


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Hi Fran! Thanks for the nod to video; I think you are right, but often I just don't have the time, because making the video slows me down, and editing the video takes up more time than making the video, ha! We have 17 hens at present, I think, and we get about 10 eggs per day; they are "dual purpose" birds, so not the best layers, not the best for meat, but good for both. Yes, Boris liked his head right in my back, so there must be trust. Their heads are heavy!, and when they start swinging them around you have to be paying attention.

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