“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
It’s heresy I know, to those of the Civil Religion, but true nonetheless; no one is better at regime change than the CIA, nor more practiced. Was I shocked by the assassination attempt on Trump, the candidate for President? Not in the least, I didn’t even lift an eyebrow. It was a foregone conclusion in my mind, that the attempt would be made. All other means of denying Trump the Oval had already been tried, and had failed. In fact those attempts have backfired, resulting in steadily improving poll numbers. But, anyone who poses a threat to the State, especially its intelligence and military, and the “industrial complex” associated with each, will be taken out of play by one means or the other. JFK was taken out as President, RFK as candidate, and its no secret that the Biden administration has denied Secret Service protection to RFK Jr. of all people, or that several Democrat members of Congress have introduced a bill to take away DJT’s Secret Service protection, or that the Trump team’s repeated requests for additional protections have been ignored, if not denied outright. When it comes to human affairs, and the affairs of corrupt governments, such as ours, indeed nothing is new under the sun.
So yes, I will believe until proven otherwise, that yesterday’s attempt on DJT’s life was an inside job. It will take a lot to change my mind, and nothing that comes out of the State itself can be believed, at least by me, as I wrote in my post It’s a Sad Day, Bad Day. The same can be said of the State-Run Media, which is virtually all of corporate media. The government gets no benefit of the doubt.
The Secret Service
If we assume, for the moment, that the intentions of the Secret Service are good, then the attempt on Trump’s life revealed an astounding level of incompetence in the Service. Somehow, less than 150 yards from the candidate, a sniper was allowed to climb to a roof top, and then with the high ground, and an unobstructed line of sight to the “protected,” was further allowed to set up shop and take several shots at the candidate. All the while, at least two attendees at the rally are screaming at cops, yelling, pointing, and otherwise trying to draw attention to the sniper. Those calls were apparently ignored. Everyone in the Secret Service chain of command should be fired, from the Deputy Director, to the Director, to the Director of Homeland (i.e. Deep State) Security, to the POTUS. If Biden had any sense at all he would do the firing, but instead he will probably be fired by the American people, and his successor will do the rest. Clearly there was a massive and unforgiveable breakdown in the chain of command. Or. Something else was going on that we serfs don’t know about, and are not intended to know about. Ever. It’s been over 60 years since Kennedy, and we still don’t have the truth, at least not from our government, so don’t hold your breath.
Laying the Ground Work
It’s funny, in that not funny sort of way; you don’t have to read 1984, Animal Farm, or Brave New World, Atlas Shrugged or Fountainhead; you don’t have to read any dystopian novels; you don’t have to read any history, Devil’s Chessboard, The Rise and Fall of Great Powers, The Creature from Jekyll Island or Democracy in America; Weapons of Mass Instruction or Unrestricted Warfare. It’s all going on in plain sight, in real time, here, in these United States. And We the People, for the most part, are soundly asleep at the switch. Eyes closed, in an American dream-land.
I left social media back in ‘16 for one basic reason; it was toxic, at least to me. I shared, and when I shared, and even when I didn’t!, I was called every name in the book; homophobe, Islamophobe, racist, ignorant, uneducated, deplorable, irredeemable, gun-toting (like that’s a bad thing), Bible-clinging (ditto), and the list goes on. And it wasn’t just me, all “MAGA” supporters were so labeled. In the past year or so it has morphed a little bit, now it’s White nationalist (I learned that the real meaning of that is white supremacist, stupid me), Christian nationalist, White Christian nationalist; the new and improved list goes on just like the former, and don’t forget extremist, and threat to democracy.
Some of those labels are true; I’m white, I am a nationalist, for now; I carry a gun and a copy of the Constitution, and I study the Bible. Come to think of it, two hundred years ago I would have been completely surrounded by like-minded folks, now I’m an extremist, according to the Left. Oh, and I am a threat to democracy, because we don’t live in one, we live in a constitutional republic, for many reasons, one of which is that a democracy is nothing more than mob rule, and does not protect minorities of any description. The Left wants, needs, and plans for mob rule. And, I’ll say it without being asked, I am an enemy of the State.
<Just a note here for clarification: There are very few “liberals” on the Left, and there are just as few “conservatives” on the Right. The “uni-party,” the “Establishment,” includes most on both sides of the aisle. I’m using the words Left and Right, and even those defy definition.>
What is it With the Name-Calling, the Labeling?
We often label the enemy; some examples from our history:
Huns: A term used by the French to refer to German soldiers during World War I.
Krauts: A term used by the Allies to refer to German soldiers during World War I and World War II.
Japs: A term used by the Allies to refer to Japanese soldiers during World War II.
Gooks: A term used by the Allies to refer to Vietnamese soldiers during the Vietnam War.
Slopes: A term used by the Allies to refer to Japanese soldiers during World War II.
Nips: A term used by the Allies to refer to Japanese soldiers during World War II.
Rice-eaters: A term used by the Allies to refer to Japanese soldiers during World War II.
Chinks: A term used by the Allies to refer to Chinese soldiers during the Korean War.
Greasers: A term used by the Allies to refer to Mexican soldiers during the Mexican-American War.
Dagoes: A term used by the Allies to refer to Italian soldiers during World War I.
Wops: A term used by the Allies to refer to Italian soldiers during World War I.
Dagos: A term used by the Allies to refer to Spanish soldiers during the Spanish-American War.
Spics: A term used by the Allies to refer to Spanish soldiers during the Spanish-American War.
Wogs: A term used by the Allies to refer to Indian soldiers during the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
Baboons: A term used by the Allies to refer to African soldiers during World War II.
Hairy Apes: A term used by the Allies to refer to African soldiers during World War II.
Gorillas: A term used by the Allies to refer to African soldiers during World War II.
Kikes: A term used by the Allies to refer to Jewish soldiers during World War II.
Yids: A term used by the Allies to refer to Jewish soldiers during World War II.
Hebes: A term used by the Allies to refer to Jewish soldiers during World War II.
Jews: A term used by the Allies to refer to Jewish soldiers during World War II.
(Good people, aren’t we. With short memories.)
The point of the derogatory names/labels is to dehumanize the enemy, so that it becomes easier, psychologically, to kill them. That is thē point. All those people listed above, our enemies, are less than human, they are sub-human. They are animals. Or so they want us to believe. Trump is Hitler, according to the Leftists. And therefore, like Hitler, he should be terminated, with prejudice; it goes without saying. (Some on the Left have actually said it!) Proof you ask, evidence that Trump is Hitlerian? There is none, and none is required, only frequent and persistent repetition of the assertion is necessary. If you are on the Left, and you don’t accept and parrot the dogma, you are shunned at best, and a traitorous enemy at worst. And the point of all of the labels is exactly the same, to make those so labeled less than. Less than human. Unworthy of the protection of our laws.
The speech that Biden gave with the Marines in the background, red lighting, etc.; the optics don’t get any more Hitlerian than that.
This has now been going on for at least 8 years. And as the election approaches it has done nothing but increase in volume, frequency, and viciousness.
Second Order Effects of the Assassination Attempt
I think it can now be said almost without doubt, that the only way a Democrat will win in November is by cheating. We gone from a propaganda and misinformation campaign against Trump, to lawfare, and finally, to assassination. It’s not the first time for assassination. And unfortunately the State is not beyond “election interference,” even at home; it is another staple in the CIA’s pantry. Exhibit A, “the Hunter Biden laptop has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation,” <I’m paraphrasing> mere days before the 2020 election, according to 50-some intelligence officials. Oops. It doesn’t matter that the lie was subsequently proven to be bullshit, the propaganda, the lie, got the job done, and Joe Biden survived, politically.
I’ll share a little known fact. In 2016 I voted for not Hillary. In 2020 I voted for not Biden. I’m concerned with slowing the development of additional long-term damage to the republic, that’s it. (Though the ultimate fall is unavoidable.) Trump is hated by virtually all Democrats. Trump is hated by establishment Republicans (RINOs), which is most of them. Name for me one law of any significance, just one, that Trump got passed during his first term. ... I’ll wait … That’s right, nothing comes to mind. No President can “fix” the problems; they’ve been generations in the making. But I knew a President Trump would be less capable of doing additional damage. That’s why I voted not Hillary and not Biden; those two would accelerate the fall, as can be seen in the State of the Union today.
And until I had processed the events of July 13th, I was again in ‘24 on track to vote not Biden. I watched videos of course, read news reports both from State-Run Media and independent sources, and it was impossible to miss the photo that I predict will become as iconic perhaps, as the flag raising on Iwo Jima.
Seconds after being grazed by a bullet intended to kill, Trump was able to gather himself, stand, raise a fist, and shout “fight, fight, fight,” to the rally-goers, and the applause was thunderous. Even some trained soldiers would have been cowed by fear. Donald J Trump exhibited courage in the face of literal gunfire. He exhibits courage every day on the campaign trail, because everyone knew, or should have known, that an attempt on his life would be made. And therefore, my vote has gone from not Biden, to FOR Trump.
I’m guessing that I’m not alone. Compare enfeebled Joe to Donald J Trump. The contrast is as stark and simple as weak versus strong, lame versus … Presidential. I saw it. Our allies, and our enemies, both foreign and domestic, also saw it. It cannot be unseen.
The domestic enemies in particular, will not stop. What they will do next I have no idea, but they will not stop. Trump cannot be allowed the Oval. Trump is a threat to the Establishment, to the permanent Deep State. If he somehow does achieve the Oval, he will be undermined at every turn, as he was in his first term.
The first duty of power is to perpetuate itself; the first duty of free men is to resist.
Has the Dust Settled?
No. And it likely never will. That’s the objective of the intelligence community, including the CIA, FBI, and most politicians. Right now, and this is telling, we are hearing two different narratives regarding why a nearly successful attempt was made on a presidential candidate’s life:
Massive incompetence on the part of those charged with with protecting the candidate, or,
It was an inside job.
How sad is that?! Both share the “lone gunman” narrative. You don’t have to make this stuff up. Numerous “investigations” have been announced, by DHS, FBI, and Congress. Those investigations will ensure that the dust never settles. Does another Warren Commission ring any bells? I’ll tell you all you need to know about the Warren Commission; Allen Dulles, former Director of the CIA, having be fired by JFK in 1961 after the Bay of Pigs debacle, was on the commission. ‘Nuf said.
There are such things as conspiracies. Don’t forget, the phrase “conspiracy theory” was popularized by the CIA in the wake of the Kennedy assassination, to denigrate critics of the Warren Commission.
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So well written John!